Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home in Australia for Christmas

The last few months passed by very quickly. I missed writing a blog entry for November. I was extremely busy with my 44 students, marking assignments and entering results, making assessment visits from one end of Fiji to the other, from Rakiraki way down to Sigatoka. But oh such wonderful sights ! Simon accompanied me on several visits and his new camera was well used !
I organized an excursion for both of my student groups on a Saturday to Sigatoka , to visit 3 different Kindergartens, and enjoy lunch together. We were also enthralled by Ilesi, a local potter, demonstrating his talents making several pottery pieces. I have been encouraging my students to use clay with their children and I feel that he inspired them further.

I made a second batch of tomato relish in Fiji, one in August and one in October, it reminds me so much of home. The aroma penetrates our whole apartment block ! YUM YUM...27 jars ! this time and 24 last time !

Simon met a new friend at the golf club. His name is Patrick and he is a leading French Chef, currently living on the tiny island of Wallis, north of Fiji. He is teaching cookery with a project undertaken by the French Government, similar to our APTC project. A fascinating, very well qualified and skilled person, and my school girl French language came in handy. He holidayed in Fiji for a week in early November and returned for 4 days just before we flew home.

The weather was changing..... it became more humid and wetter, although local people said that it was drier than normal. I still had only worn long sleeves 3 times for the 10 months we were there !
At the beginning of November, I was invited to attend a Military funeral. It was for a Kindergarten parent of one of my students. He died suddenly from a heart attack at the age of 42 with four young children. It was a very moving occasion and the Prime Minister Frank Bainimairama was present. I was about 4 meters from him and had to bite my tongue not to say anything to him. It was an honor to be part of such a formal and traditional occasion with the gun salute.
We were fortunate to visit the island of Vanuatu on 21st November for 3 nights I was asked to attend a meeting with work colleagues over there and Simon joined us. We stayed at Chantilly's on the Bay in Port Vila which had a glorious view of their stunning sunsets. Once again the new camera was clicking madly ! It was such a great opportunity to meet with other early childhood colleagues and squeeze in a little snorkeling !
I have signed a new contract with APTC in Fiji from Jan 1st 2010 until June 30th 2010 and we shall see what happens after that. Both of my groups will finish in June so, it is very timely. The second semester would be a full time Cert 3 in Children's Services group with students recruited from other Pacific Island such as Naru, Tonga, Marshall Islands, Solomon islands etc. AND I would teach in the day time 3 days a week and they would have placements in local Fijian Kindergartens for the other 2 days per week. We would need to organize the placements and this is when I would call upon my current students to host the islanders.
As we were finalizing student results and packing to come home for Christmas, Simon and I experienced our first tropical cyclone. It was only Category One or Two, but felt much worse. The iron roof from one end of our apartment block was blown off and landed in the adjacent carpark, narrowly missing a few cars !
The tenant, Edward,who was home in his lounge room at the time, on the top floor apartment was helped out from under the rubble, by Simon and a few other colleagues . He was visibly shaken, but luckily escaped injury. It was rather frightening and I hope we do not have any more, but I guess this is part of living in the Pacific.
We are now home in Australia to share the festive season with our delightful family and friends, before returning to Fiji on Sunday night 17th January. One of my holiday goals is to organize my many photos into a better system so I can add many more to my Blog in the future !
Our best wishes to everyone for a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year. xxxxxx

Sunday, October 18, 2009

So much has happened since the last entry !

Bula everyone !
My apologies for not adding an entry sooner... We have been very busy with our lovely visitors here in Fiji AND have been home in Australia for the Hickson Family Reunion on October 10th ! We have now settled back into life here with Diwali celebrations in full swing ! I can hear the many fire crackers popping ( and smell them ) as I sit here typing !
Christopher arrived on the 4th Sept and overlapped with my sister Dot and her partner Trevor who came on the 10th. We treated them to many of our favourite restaurants and several tourist spots. We spent 2 nights together on the Coral Coast, travelling in "SQUEEZY" conditions in our rental Hyundai ! Dot snorkelled for the first time in her life and LOVED it ! It was so nice to share the time all together. One of our APTC, Udo, who had shown Lauren the lively nights spots around here, then took Christopher partying....
Dot and Trevor enjoyed 4 nights out in the Yasawa islands as well.
Many APTC staff left for the term Break, but we took ours later due to the Hickson Family Reunion. I was asked to be Acting Country Manager for that period. It was a bit daunting and eventful, with a car accident to deal with the first week ( our Office Manager and no-one was hurt thanks goodness) and the 2nd week a Tsunami warning from the Samoan tragedy !
We left here on Oct 2nd to land in chilly Melbourne. Great to be home briefly to share time with our family. Simon's Mum is doing quite well. The Reunion was an absolutely delightful day and quite emotional too. My sister Yvonne started a Blog for the Reunion. It is www.hicksonreunion.blogspot.com
We have now expressed interest in extending the teaching contract even further , this time until June 2010 and will find out shortly whether that has been approved. Photos will be added shortly... the computer is having "loading image hiccups " !

Monday, August 31, 2009

A very busy, but oh so enjoyable August

On the last day of August, I reflect on the many things that have happened.Simon had a lovely birthday on the 1st August, playing golf and then dining at our favourite restaurant , Ashiyana's with Udo and the Battison family Doug, Maree and their sons, Harris 9and Lewis 6 years of age( Doug and Udo are two of my delightful work colleagues and several of Simon's Fiji golfing partners )Then Simon actually flew out to Australia to be with his Mum. She was so thrilled to have him home for a few weeks and her health improved remarkably. I was very busy with work AND I decided to make tomato relish in Fiji ! a challenge , but it turned out quite edible and everyone wants the recipe, so it must be OK. It is peak tomato season here and the mangoes are just starting. The sugar cane season is in full swing and if you strike sugar cane train you have to wait for a long time as they are sooooo long !
I also was invited by 2 of my students who are sisters, to attend a Methodist Church service. It was 2 hours long and 95 % in Fijian,and their singing voices were stunning. It brought back many childhood memories of the Wesley hymns. It was quite emotional as I thought of my gorgeous Dad who was a strong Methodist devotee.
Simon is back now and we have just enjoyed having Peter Conyers, a golfing mate, over here for a week. I needed to visit Suva, so dropped them at The Pearl Resort and Golf course for one night and picked them up the next day on our return to Nadi.
They squeezed in 5 games of golf in the week, which included one game at the new 36 million dollar course at the Intercontinental Hotel in Natadola, about half an hour away from here. This weekend we welcome Christopher across here for 2 weeks.
Our 29 Certificate 3 students graduated on Friday 28th August. Kerryn was able to return from Australia to share in the celebrations and work with me for the week leading up to the Graduation. What a very memorable evening it was for everyone.
The weather is still delightful at 27 or 28 each day... what a wonderful place to live and work... soon I will need to make a decision about 2010... mmmmm....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back home to Fiji

July was a hectic but enjoyable month... we both crammed in so many things !
I finished teaching the Cert 3 of Children's services course with my students and we had many dinner celebrations together. They sang "Isa Lei" to me, which is the Fijian farewell song, which was very emotional. I spent a few days entering results and preparing for my new group of Cert 3's this term and be ready for my "old" Cert 3's to return as Diploma students ! I flew back home as planned on July 3rd to spend time with my delightful family, our 2 inseparable dogs, Lucy and Harry and catch up with as many work colleagues, neighbours and friends as possible in one week ! Sleeping in my own bed was just "heavenly", especially with my very own pillow ( which I squashed into the case to bring back here ) Both my Daphne bushes are still alive ! amazing !
Since our return Simon's Mum has been hospitalized with Salmonella poisoning and a chest infection, but is progressing well now. At 90, these things take a little longer to abate.
Christopher has booked to visit us in early Sept and one of my sisters, Dot and her partner Trevor are coming mid Sept. One of Simon's golfing mates is also flying over sometime too.
The weather is quite dry now, with daily temperatures hovering around 26 to 28 and sunny skies, but with cooler nights of 17 or 18 ... slightly different from Melbourne ! It was very odd wearing long sleeves, long pants, boots, coats and scarves ! It only took 10 minutes to change into thongs, t-shirts and shorts again.
We have been to the Bula Festival in Nadi and I was chosen to be one of the judges for the 9 contestants vying to be Miss Bula ( all in the name of charity)
As a token of appreciation we received tickets to the Bula Ball ! Simon wore one of his bright Bula shirts from his growing collection and I borrowed a very colourful Bula dress ! It was a memorable evening....
We look forward to celebrating Simon's birthday on Aug 1st..... better hunt for the candles !

Friday, June 26, 2009

A few more photos of our adventures and friends here !

These Fijian birds are called bulbuls. About 20 of them descend upon our balcony each morning awaiting their slice of bread, carefully fed to them by Simon. Since he has been back in Melbourne, they sqwark outside our window until I feed them ! Not sure what they will do when I go home too !

Lauren joins us in Fiji

Bula everyone !
Once again, I have been very slow in adding a new entry.. apologies... we have been very busy showing our daughter Lauren, the sights of sunny Fiji ! we spent 3 days on the Coral Coast, meeting lots of attentive staff ( Lauren phographed with one called Tange) and then celebrated her 27th Birthday with a day boat cruise to Malamala island. Since she was here, Simon has now gone home for a few weeks and I fly home on Fri 3rd July. We both return on July 12th.
The weather here is a little cooler now and I have even wore long sleeves twice in the evening ! Although cooler is about 28 in the day instead of 35 and at night about 19 instead of 25. The daily swims are less frequent, but I still enjoy a dip a few days per week.
I taught my last class with my Certificate 3 students today, but hopefully will be able to continue teaching them, as they have chosen to continue their studies by enrolling in the Diploma of Children's Services, due to start on July 17th. There will be 24 students in Diploma and I have a new group of Cert 3 beginning on July 21st !The second half of the year promises to be extremely busy ! Simon is joining the local golf club and has been playing weekly in what they call the "Chook Run " The prize is a few frozen chickens !

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A great time with our visitors

Bula everyone!
No entries for a while.. we have been very busy showing my sister-in-law Helen and my brother James, the sights of Fiji. They spent a few days on Mana Island which they loved, before we headed down to the Coral coast together for 3 days of sightseeing and snorkelling ! This I did for the first time ever in my life and am now hooked ! Simon had not been snorkelling since I had met him, so 35 years ago and he is sorry to have left it that long ! It was so good to see them both. James visited the Asco Motors, the Toyota dealership here,to check out the different models etc and the workshop area. We were enthralled by the beautiful famous orchid gardens at the Land of the Sleeping Giant started by Raymond Burr, the US actor, many years ago. We scrambled over the Sigatoka Sand Dunes and visited the Tavuni Hill Fort hearing gory stories of the early days of cannibalism in Fiji.
Simon continues to play a little golf, shopping, cooking, reads a lot and does heaps of crosswords sent over by Lauren ! She will be our next visitor in a few weeks time. Christopher is planning to visit later in the year.
My work is very hectic as the students are coming to the end of the Certificate 3 in Children's services. There will be a 3 week break before many continue in the Diploma course. We hope to go home to Melbourne for a period during that break. I have extended my contract until Dec 31st 09.
The weather continue to become less humid, and drier now. It is just delightful, we are making the most of it, as we about hear the chilly temperatures back home.... brrrr.......
It is around three months now since our arrival in Fiji and the many letters and parcels from home are always very welcome... they create that special link...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time is passing quickly AND the weather is cooling down slightly !

Much has happened in the past few weeks. Suva was so different from Nadi. The photo shows the spectacular view over the city of Suva from our hotel window on the 9th floor ! It is a much bigger city and more urbanized. Simon and I enjoyed our time there, and took pride in finding our way around quite easily. We were there at a very historical time when Commodore Bainimarama was ousted and then re-instated within a short time. At any time, we did not feel in danger, but did return to Nadi on Easter Saturday in time for Easter Bunny. Since then, I have been extra busy at my work as we are beginning a Resort Kids Club stream of Certificate 3 in Children's Services in July, so have been in contact with all the large resorts both on Denerau Island and the Coral Coast. At the weekend we welcomed my sister-in-law Helen and my brother James to Fiji and have been busy showing them the wonderful sights of Fiji and feasting on scrumptious pineapple and pawpaw etc. Lovely blue sunny skies of 28 degrees and very little breeze. The weather is MUCH less humid now and the days not quite as hot as before and drier. Next weekend, the 4 of us, we will head to the Coral Coast for a few days snorkelling and enjoying the sun and sand. I still cannot get my head around working in such a holiday destination. It is so nice to see them both as our first visitors.. we hope many more will join us here. It does appear to be quite safe and one would hardly know what was happening politically on the other side of the island. The Fijian school holidays are about to start as they have 3 terms here.
I have been to many teacher's meetings, building my professional network and loving the teaching side of things. Simon has played some more golf and made more new friends. We do love the Aussie butcher here and Simon has made some yummy meals...
I tested the oven again and made Anzac Biscuits for Anzac Day. My students had not tasted them before and want the recipe !

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Off to Suva for Easter

Simon and I are both well and looking forward to a few days away together.
It is now time to visit the southern Coral Coast region and the eastern side of Fiji. We have a break from classes for 2 weeks, as the APTC follows the Victorian school terms. I will still be working a few days over in Suva leading up to Easter. There are 4 students from there, who travel weekly over to Nadi for classes. I will then be working the second week back her in Nadi, for the four days, but reduced hours slightly ! More swimming time !
We are very excited as it will be a real change from this side, they even have traffic lights in Suva. Our 2 sets in Nadi have not worked since the floods in January and they are pedestrain crossings , not at an intersection. So it is a bit odd not to have travelled through a traffic light for 7 weeks !
We spoke to Christopher on Skpe tonight, so good to know that he is home safely from Europe and Lauren as a new job at Hahndorf chocolates ! Yum Yum

Friday, March 20, 2009

Becoming quite established here now..

Bula everyone !
After five weeks here in Fiji, we feel as though we know our way around now, without becoming too lost, in the Nadi area at least. The pattern of our week is emerging, as I teach the 3 evenings and Saturday morning. I do enjoy walking into the unit complex and smelling the yummy meals that Simon prepares for us. I am being thoroughly spoilt ! I do still have a turn to cook on some other days. We are just getting to know the oven, making one batch of cupcakes, yet to try scones. Shopping is a most intriguing experience, as we discover a wide variety of brands and foodstuffs never seen in suburban Blackburn South !
Simon played golf this week, but found the course "like a goat track " very soggy, stinking hot and rather hilly. He will return when they take delivery of golf carts from New Zealand in a week or two. Many items come from there as it is quite close.
There was a bit of panic here yesterday as they experienced an earthquake in nearby Tonga and issued a tsunami warning for Fiji as well. The school kids loved having an extra day off, especially as Monday is a public holiday here for World Youth Day.
We are especially enjoying our daily swims, even when it's raining ! Simon worries though,that his hair may go curly ! Take care !

Monday, March 9, 2009

Classes now in full swing

I have now completed my first week of teaching classes and embarking excitedly upon my second week. My 29 students are divided into 2 groups who attend twice weekly. As these delightful people are all currently working with young children in Kindergartens, they come to class later in the day.
Group One attends on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4.00-7.00pm
Group Two attends on Fridays from 4.00pm- 7.00pm and Saturday morning 9.00am until 12noon. Having visited and assesed them in their workplaces during my first 2 weeks here in Fiji, welcoming them into class was such a pleasure. We are certainly having an enjoyable time together !
Simon has now purchased a second Bula shirt and will play golf shortly. The entry to the golf scene has been slower than he would have liked. We have embraced Skype as a superb tool of communication, enjoying frequent chats with family and friends.
I have found where to buy camomile tea here now, so feel more at home !

Thursday, February 26, 2009

After 12 days later in Fiji

Time has passed quickly as I have been so busy. Work has been most interesting, meeting lots of great people and admiring their improvisation skills and their ingenuity to provide a high quality program for young children with very few resources. As always, it is the people who make a difference to a children's service. The APTC staff have been wonderful and I am very lucky to be among some great colleagues as I was in Box Hill.
Kerryn has returned to Australia now, a little earlier than planned as her son shattered his wrist and needed an operation. She was a legend in inducting me to the position.
I have been driving the Hyundai Touscon (4 wheel drive ) and finding my own way around Fiji. Quite difficult at times as many roads are not signposted. The local people are most helpful when I become lost ! Yesterday I remebered a short cut during a traffic jam ( they are still doing lots of roadworks to repair flood damage)
When all this round of student visits are completed tomorrow, I begin teaching classes next week. I have a total of 29 students in 2 groups.
Simon arrived last Monday morning and has been discovering new parts of Nadi each day. He is settling into the lifestyle very well, buying a colourful Bula shirt today!
I indulged in a $20 Pacific back massage which was delightful
Some of the food prices are steep ! $2.00 for one tomato, although prices are decreasing slightly as supplies are being replenished since the floods in mid January.
Chocolate is $9.00 for a Cadbury's 200gm block ! and I cannot find any cammomile teabags ! some other of herb ones ! but no camomile ! should have brought more across ! Dam.....

Monday, February 16, 2009

I am now here in Fiji !

Bula !
It has been an eventful journey, but I have finally arrived in Fiji. My 10.30am plane flight from Melbourne was the last one before the baggage handlers walked off the job. When landing in Sydney, I was told that my connecting Air Pacific flight to Fiji had left 2 hours ago, as they decided to leave EARLY ! Qantas (who owns Air Pacific) were helpful, booking me on another domestic flight, this time to Brisbane to catch the plane to Nadi Fiji. This part was fine and I finally landed in Fiji at 9.00pm. Waiting..... waiting......waiting at the luggage carousel.... no shiny silver "spiffy" spinner suitcase was in sight! My luggage had not followed me as promised... it had gone to Auckland !
It finally was delivered to me the next evening !
Sunday was a sightseeing day with Kerryn and other APTC staff... steamy waether, especially in the mud bath up in the Fijian mountains... in the pouring rain. It is SO green here... something I have not seen in Australia for a long time... rain or green grass.
When I figure out the computer and downlading.. I will add some spectacular photos
Today, my first day at work went very well... I feel very welcome here. Tomorrow we make an assessment visit to two students. Kerryn is passing on lots of information to me.... my brain is in overload...but it is so good to be here at last !

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not long to go now...

It is so hard to believe... only 4 sleeps to go .. however our excitement has naturely been subdued with the heart-breaking devastation of the Victorian bushfires. My brother James ans his wife Helen in Bendigo, have been kindly assisting others as CFA volunteers. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to the selfless CFA fraternity and all emergency service personnel.
We are leaving this tragedy here, to go to a country who are recovering from the worst floods in decades..
One never knows what is around the corner.. a lesson for all of us to make the most of every day.
I fly out at 10.30am on Sat 14th Feb for Nadi, Fiji, travelling via Sydney. Simon flies out on 22nd Feb after our son leaves for Europe for 6 weeks the previous day.
Simon and I have enjoyed many more farewell functions this past week, being thoroughly spoilt.
Now, the challenge of packing is upon us.. Not sure where to start ?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

13 more sleeps...........

Bula !
After a week of dry heat wave conditions, my brain is a little befuddled, as I try to remember everything that needs to be done, both here at home and at work, before our departure. I have had 6 vaccinations in the past 2 weeks and feel a bit pin-cushion-like !
But of course all very necessary for the Pacific region.
People say the temperature rarely reaches more than the low 30's in Fiji, but the level of humidity makes it feel hotter ! No 45 degree days thank heavens...
Last night Simon and I enjoyed a wonderful farewell celebration with some close friends and this morning, a scrumptious brunch with my very special ex-work colleagues. Other kind friends, family and current work colleagues have planned more farewells for the next 2 weeks !
We also have my mother-in-law's 90th Birthday celebrations on Feb.13th, which is a great milestone.
Vinaka vaka levu !

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Getting closer now !

Getting closer and closer ...... only 3 weeks to go now !
We bought two extra suitcases this week...very spiffy "spinner" style ones with four wheels ! Simon's is beautiful shiny black and mine is stunning silver !
We are now registered with skype so can communicate frequently from Fiji !
Lots of little tasks to do at work and home, gradually being ticked off !

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Fiji floods

The Fiji floods appear to be subsiding, however it will take a long time for the country to recover from the worst flooding in decades. Apparently, many shops in Nadi will not be able to re-open as the small family businesses were not insured. Our apartment and the College where I will be teaching, are north of Nadi itself, luckily on higher ground.
People say that the Fijians are most resilient and are getting on with the clean up.
At this stage, I will fly out on the weekend of the 14th Feb. and Simon one week later. I am back at work here this week, preparing materials for Kerryn, the teacher who is returning from Fiji. We will overlap over there for two weeks which will be wonderful.
My other task this week is to clear my desk..... which is a mammoth job in itself ! What do I take ? what do I leave behind ? excess baggage ? oh dear.....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting Ready

For the past four days I have attended a pre-departure briefing at BHI, along with ten other staff heading to the Pacific region. We hope that we can get there, with the recent flooding in Fiji.
Great to meet with everyone. We feel that many questions have been answered. Bring it on !