Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Fiji floods

The Fiji floods appear to be subsiding, however it will take a long time for the country to recover from the worst flooding in decades. Apparently, many shops in Nadi will not be able to re-open as the small family businesses were not insured. Our apartment and the College where I will be teaching, are north of Nadi itself, luckily on higher ground.
People say that the Fijians are most resilient and are getting on with the clean up.
At this stage, I will fly out on the weekend of the 14th Feb. and Simon one week later. I am back at work here this week, preparing materials for Kerryn, the teacher who is returning from Fiji. We will overlap over there for two weeks which will be wonderful.
My other task this week is to clear my desk..... which is a mammoth job in itself ! What do I take ? what do I leave behind ? excess baggage ? oh dear.....


  1. Hi Cheryl,
    I hope you had a great time at Dorothy's. Looks like Sunday will be your Blogging day. It's looking great,
    Cheers, Yvonne

  2. Hi Cheryl
    The floods in Fiji sound really awful and it will be an amazing clean up required. Only a couple of weeks to go before you fly out - sounds like you have a big clean up at work first. Enjoy!
