Saturday, January 24, 2009

Getting closer now !

Getting closer and closer ...... only 3 weeks to go now !
We bought two extra suitcases this week...very spiffy "spinner" style ones with four wheels ! Simon's is beautiful shiny black and mine is stunning silver !
We are now registered with skype so can communicate frequently from Fiji !
Lots of little tasks to do at work and home, gradually being ticked off !


  1. Hi Chez
    Looking forward to following your adventures in Fiji.

  2. Cheryl I have only just been introduced to the secreets of BLOGS. Please don't expect me to master SKYPE!!!

    Oh, well,that's what life long learning is all about.

    Luv Maureen

    p.s Why am I not a Follower? I thought I was!

  3. Hi Maureen
    Not sure what has happened here... and why you are not coming up, You can be a private follower or a public one, so maybe thre was something you clicked ? Perhaps go to the Blogger Help section
    Good luck....
    It was a delightful brunch this morning. I am very spoilt.
    Cheers Chez xx
