Saturday, January 31, 2009

13 more sleeps...........

Bula !
After a week of dry heat wave conditions, my brain is a little befuddled, as I try to remember everything that needs to be done, both here at home and at work, before our departure. I have had 6 vaccinations in the past 2 weeks and feel a bit pin-cushion-like !
But of course all very necessary for the Pacific region.
People say the temperature rarely reaches more than the low 30's in Fiji, but the level of humidity makes it feel hotter ! No 45 degree days thank heavens...
Last night Simon and I enjoyed a wonderful farewell celebration with some close friends and this morning, a scrumptious brunch with my very special ex-work colleagues. Other kind friends, family and current work colleagues have planned more farewells for the next 2 weeks !
We also have my mother-in-law's 90th Birthday celebrations on Feb.13th, which is a great milestone.
Vinaka vaka levu !

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