Thursday, February 26, 2009

After 12 days later in Fiji

Time has passed quickly as I have been so busy. Work has been most interesting, meeting lots of great people and admiring their improvisation skills and their ingenuity to provide a high quality program for young children with very few resources. As always, it is the people who make a difference to a children's service. The APTC staff have been wonderful and I am very lucky to be among some great colleagues as I was in Box Hill.
Kerryn has returned to Australia now, a little earlier than planned as her son shattered his wrist and needed an operation. She was a legend in inducting me to the position.
I have been driving the Hyundai Touscon (4 wheel drive ) and finding my own way around Fiji. Quite difficult at times as many roads are not signposted. The local people are most helpful when I become lost ! Yesterday I remebered a short cut during a traffic jam ( they are still doing lots of roadworks to repair flood damage)
When all this round of student visits are completed tomorrow, I begin teaching classes next week. I have a total of 29 students in 2 groups.
Simon arrived last Monday morning and has been discovering new parts of Nadi each day. He is settling into the lifestyle very well, buying a colourful Bula shirt today!
I indulged in a $20 Pacific back massage which was delightful
Some of the food prices are steep ! $2.00 for one tomato, although prices are decreasing slightly as supplies are being replenished since the floods in mid January.
Chocolate is $9.00 for a Cadbury's 200gm block ! and I cannot find any cammomile teabags ! some other of herb ones ! but no camomile ! should have brought more across ! Dam.....


  1. Hi Chez,
    Thanks for the update. No cammomile tea - that's outrageous! Glad to hear that you are all settling in well.

    love to all

    Helen and Jim

  2. Hi Chez
    I will try to get some supplies over to you.
    Cannot having you craving for your tea.
