Monday, February 16, 2009

I am now here in Fiji !

Bula !
It has been an eventful journey, but I have finally arrived in Fiji. My 10.30am plane flight from Melbourne was the last one before the baggage handlers walked off the job. When landing in Sydney, I was told that my connecting Air Pacific flight to Fiji had left 2 hours ago, as they decided to leave EARLY ! Qantas (who owns Air Pacific) were helpful, booking me on another domestic flight, this time to Brisbane to catch the plane to Nadi Fiji. This part was fine and I finally landed in Fiji at 9.00pm. Waiting..... waiting......waiting at the luggage carousel.... no shiny silver "spiffy" spinner suitcase was in sight! My luggage had not followed me as promised... it had gone to Auckland !
It finally was delivered to me the next evening !
Sunday was a sightseeing day with Kerryn and other APTC staff... steamy waether, especially in the mud bath up in the Fijian mountains... in the pouring rain. It is SO green here... something I have not seen in Australia for a long time... rain or green grass.
When I figure out the computer and downlading.. I will add some spectacular photos
Today, my first day at work went very well... I feel very welcome here. Tomorrow we make an assessment visit to two students. Kerryn is passing on lots of information to me.... my brain is in overload...but it is so good to be here at last !

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