Saturday, January 1, 2011


It is now Jan 2 2011 and I feel very embarrassed that I have not added to my Blog since last July. I am currently home in Melbourne, Australia for a few weeks break, before heading back to Fiji for the last 6 months of my contract with APTC. What started out as a 6 months stint will then be a two and a half year stint ! That is because everyone has been so supportive of my decision to teach in another country, with the wonderful, welcoming people of Fiji.
What I will do is add a monthly account of happenings, and then when I return to Fiji and have access to my photos, I will be able to add those to the Blog
On July 19th I met my new students from the 3 Pacific countries. What a pleasure to meet them all and I felt immediately that we would have a wonderful time together. It was most evident to witness the individual characters, within a wide age range of students. Their eagerness and warmth towards me and APTC staff was clearly apparent.
The first few weeks consisted of Orientation days,Kinder excursions, a yummy picnic, along with activities to "get to know each other ", however, many already knew each other. It was a case of the 3 country groups becoming familiar with each other. This was made easier as they were all living at the same hostel style accommodation at SKY LODGE , which is part of the Tanoa group of Hotels. They attended class together and lived together for the entire 6 months. The only time spent apart was for the 2 days per week of work placement and then they mostly attended the Kinders in pairs or threes, depending on the size of the Kinder.
Each year, in July Fiji celebrates National Pre-School Week and it was great that our students could be part of this, so early in their course . Many made flower garlands and dressed in their traditional costumes.
Two of our students had vision difficulties and Jim ( Country Manager ) and I were able to organize testing and the acquisition of glasses to assist them. This was life changing for them both and for one in particular, had never been able to see so clearly before and was now 34 years old. They were most grateful and one learned to email his wife and speak "online" most days which could never have happened without the stronger glasses. This is what makes it so rewarding, to witness such joy.
I was also asked to speak about the APTC courses at the Tourist Association of Fiji and the need for qualified staff in the resorts with Police clearances. A very busy first 2 weeks of their course.

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