Wednesday, January 5, 2011


On October 10th it was Fiji Day, a National celebration of their independence form colonial rule. Many activities were planned around town. The same weekend, we met with Julie and Ken, wonderful long time friends of my sister Yvonne and her husband Greg. Julie and Ken were on route from USA and sopped over in Fiji for a few days. Great to see them both and share a few evenings together. We had the beginning of Daylight saving in Fiji so really have to consider the time difference when Skyping the family at home in Oz.
The students were progressing well with their competencies and with their work placement.
I taught a new competency titled "Develop a program towards sustainable practice" . This was included as an Elective in Cert 3 and as this topic is very important to me, I found it most satisfying to finally have time specifically devoted to this vital area of interest. To reinforce the sustainability policies and practices I arranged an excursion to "Koroipita " which is a model Village just north of Lautoka ,Fiji . It was the vision of a local Rotary member to create a village where people lived in low-maintenance housing , grew most of their own food, had a rainwater tank, recycled everything and where no dogs were allowed in the village. He enlisted help from International Rotary clubs, mostly from Australia and New Zealand and many groups volunteer their services to build these sustainable "Rotahomes". Many streets in the village are named after the Rotary clubs who have assisted in the construction.
I was invited to speak at a Parent Evening at a local Kindergarten regarding Positive Parenting Techniques, which was most interesting. We exchanged cultural differences and how that influences expectations and behaviour. These Parent Evenings are becoming more common in Kindergartens, as communities wish to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Our daughter Lauren arrived in Fiji on 18th October for 2 weeks vacation. She had not seen our new accommodation and continued her nightly vigil of "gecko numbers" around the outside of our home. I think the record was 27 ! She LOVES geckos and the "clicking " noise they make as they catch and gobble insects ! She and Simon enjoyed each other's company travelling around the sights of Nadi in a hire car. She was keen to see the changes since her visit in June 2009.
My sister Yvonne and brother in law Greg arrived on Sat. 30th Oct, overlapping with Lauren by one night. However, it was fine as we all travelled to Rakiraki on the northern coast of Viti Levu for a wonderful weekend of good company, bowling, food and wine. It was extremely hot and we all became a little sun kissed ! Lauren flew home on Sunday evening 31st. It was so good to have her here once again. She fell in love with the young puppy "Peanut", who belongs to our neighbours. He misses her company.

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