Saturday, January 8, 2011

November and December

We were able to extend our hire car to enjoy showing Yvonne and Greg the sights of Nadi. Simon took them to the Garden of the Sleeping Giant and Yvonne was able to visit several Kinders and Schools. They were fascinated with her IPad. An amazing item of technology which intrigued the children and teachers alike.
Yvonne and I were able to attend a Rotary Meeting and she was able to hand over a token from her Keilor East Club in Melbourne. They were keen to form an association of some type, between clubs. We celebrated Diwali on Nov 5th in the classroom with my APTC students with two guest ( former students) Nalini and Mohenesh, explaining the significance of such a festival for Hindus around the world. We shared dinner and I was able to wear a Salwar Kameez ( photo to come later )
Greg and Simon went shopping for our own fireworks, which was a real novelty as they are of course banned in most of Australia. For many nights we went to sleep listening to the continual fireworks. The colours and visual effects are spectacular, and we had lots of fun ! just like youngsters again ! They seem such a waste and pollute the environment, but are most appealing and we did enjoy ourselves ! We farewelled the Osborns on Sat morning 5th Nov, so we had crammed many events into one week.
We received sad news that our Godmother , Auntie Vera Morgan had passed away on Sunday 7th November. She was 93 and had a wonderful full life. We cherish the many memories of her kindness and the fact that she was genuinely interested in what we were doing in our lives. She never missed our Birthdays. Such a special person and it is times like this, when I feel so disappointed that I cannot jump in the car to attend the funeral. I feel so removed...on such an occasion.
In mid November , we met up with a old friend of Simon's brother Phil, who is also called Greg, Greg Taylor. He has lived and worked in Fiji for 15 years, first at one island and now as Manager of the Jean Michel Cousteau Resort in Savusavu. We each knew about our existence in Fiji but had not touched base for the 2 years we had been there. He invited us to come to resort and we arranged it for early December.
APTC Co-ordination Office staff organized an Alumni Group BBQ Evening for the Western ex students of Fiji, stretching from Rakiraki down to Sigatoka. This group will meet each term and they elected Mohenesh to represent the Western Group.
The last few weeks of November I completed assignments towards my Diploma of Vocational Education and Training Practice and was successful. I have one more to complete in early 2011.
In addition I finished all my marking for my International students. Several were a little tardy, but we finally were able to deem them ALL competent for the classroom work and for tasks in the workplace. A wonderful achievement for the 18 students.
First Aid was one of the last competencies along with Care for Babies. A film crew from Box Hill Institute visited our classroom, which was an interesting experience for all of us.
The weather forecast threatened a cyclone, however it remained a tropical depression and did not develop further, thank goodness. Just LOTS of rain ! The staff from treasure House was able to bring several REAL babies for care for Babies, much more fun than just with our dolls ( which the students christened Romeo and Juliet )
On Thursday 25th Nov, we hosted a "Thank You" Afternoon Tea for our Host Kindergarten Staff. Each country group of students performed a song and dance in appreciation of everyone's generosity of time and knowledge.
Earlier that day I was invited to be Chief Guest by Namaka Public Kindergarten at the Nadi Town Hall. I felt like the Queen and received another beautiful Salusalu.
It was somewhat daunting walking into the hall filled with many excited children and family members ( 80 families ) Lots of Aunties, Grandparents and friends were present to witness the Kinder Graduation , complete with tiny gowns and mortar boards !
I shook their small hands and handed over their glossy certificates of Kinder Achievement.
Five days later I attended the Lautoka Special School end of year celebrations and once again presented certificates. It gave me such pleasure to hand one to Aliti, who resides at Treasure House orphanage and we had organized her schooling at the Special School.
We flew to Savusavu on Vanua Levu on Fri 3rd Dec to celebrate our 35th Wedding Anniversary ( not bad for a blind date eh ? ) It was rather scary when I realized just how petite the plane was to Savusavu with only 12 passengers... the smallest plane I had ever been in.... Surprisingly it was a very smooth flight and we landed safely. I was able to visit a local village Kindergarten and see the Kids Club facilities at the resort. We relaxed in luxurious surroundings and dined on scrumptious foods, due to Greg's generosity . We can highly recommend this exquisite place.
Sunday, we flew to Suva for next week to attend the Biennial National Conference of the Fiji Early Childhood Association. It was held at the Adi Cakabau Boarding School north of Suva and Simon drove me out there each morning and picked me up each afternoon in the hire car. Nice to have a personal chauffeur as usually I am the driver in the College car !
I presented 2 workshops and participated in many others. There were inspiring keynote speakers and numerous networking opportunities. I counted 16 APTC graduates, among 350 participants from all over Fiji and some other Pacific countries. Simon was able to visit our favourite shop in Suva " Cost-u-less" to stock up on our much loved nibbles and other goodies.
We returned to Nadi on Thursday afternoon ready for my student break up party on Mala Mala island on Friday 10th Dec. Fortunate the weather was very sunny and we had a splendid day together, swimming, snorkeling and they tried to teach me basket weaving.
Sunday our students from Federated States of Micronesia were the first group to fly home . This was a new experience for me, to farewell them at the Nadi Airport , as I had previously only taught the local Fijian students. Early Tuesday morning it was the Kiribati students and then later in the morning the Tuvaluan group. I felt sad to see them go. but very pleased with what we had all achieved together in the short time we spent together.
Then it was our turn to leave, to come home for Christmas and have a holiday break. As I write this blog entry, I now only have 8 sleeps until I return to Fiji and Simon will return in late January. I have a new group of students undertaking the Diploma of Children's Services and apparently they are a mixed group of Fijian students and from other Pacific Islands. A new year and a new challenge. It feels different this time though... I know that I am returning home on June 24th at the end of my teaching contract with APTC. That in itself sounds final. What the future holds ? I am unsure... I have been so fortunate to be part of this amazing Aus Aid Project and to work with such wonderful staff and students for 2 years now. I am blessed to have been given this opportunity and I intend to make the most of these last phase. Vinaka vaka levu .

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