Saturday, January 1, 2011

August - September 2010

On 1st August we celebrated Simon's Birthday at out new unit, with friends and work colleagues. It was a combined birthday and "house warming" gathering.
We shared delicious "party food" which included scrumptious Orange cupcakes ( Simon's favourite). This year, 2011, it will be the Big 60 ! mmmmm.... we will be back here by then, so will need to decide how to celebrate this special milestone.
At APTC, we arranged a meeting on August 3rd, for the students and host Kindergarten staff to meet each other. This was a special time for me too, to meet up with my previous students who were now acting as mentors to my Overseas group ( Certificate 3 in Children Services) .
The very next day, they began Placement and need to accumulate approx 150 hours of work placement time during the next few months. Many were nervous, but excited to see their new Kinder environments, forging close relationships with the children, staff and families.
On a personal note, we enjoyed a weekend at the first ever Country Music festival in Fiji . It was held at one of our favourite spots, The Hideaway Resort on the Coral Coast. I met Bill Chambers, Casey's Dad and he signed a few posters for me !
This was the beginning of the Bed Bug problems too. Several of our students were affected and were most uncomfortable ! We sought medical assistance and alerted the Hotel .
During this month, we were contacted or visited by representatives from the 3 countries to ensure their students had settled into the course. Everything was progressing well. It was quite different teaching students who also lived together, as they had many discussion opportunities outside class time, so I needed to re-think my teaching strategies.
We were hearing snippets of news from Australia regarding the Federal Election and then the "waiting game " to learn that Australia had its first female Prime Minister ! Julia Gillard.
I made a batch of 30 jars of my Tomato Relish which was enjoyed by this new group of students, as much as my previous students. They especially loved it with cheese and dry biscuits !
As I had just finished bottling it, I received a phone call form the students to say that one of them was desperately ill ! Jim called for me ( commenting on my new "Relish" perfume which had permeated my clothing ) and we took her to the Doctor. She was hospitalized in Lautoka and later had fibroids removed. We visited her each day, taking 4 different classmates each day. A traumatic experience for everyone, but successful. A teddy, she named Rupert, kept her company.
I was able to attend the Annual TAFE Child Care Teacher's Conference back in Melbourne for 3 days, in early September. It was held this year at Box Hill Institute and it was wonderful to see everyone again. The inspirational keynote speaker was an absolute surprise, Greg Page, the former Yellow Wiggle. We were also recruiting for a staff member to teach Children's Services in Suva for 6 months in Semester One in 2011.
Susana Daurewa, one of our local APTC staff members, taught the students in my absence.
On Sept 18th we, celebrated the APTC Graduation at the Tanoa Hotel. 20 Students graduated with the Diploma of Children's services, the first ever group in Fiji and 23 graduated with the Certificate 3 in Children's services. Simon and I felt like a proud Mum and Dad. It was a very auspicious occasion with many staff attending from Melbourne APTC office and many early childhood dignitaries from Fiji .
It was APTC holidays for one week. Simon and I enjoyed a weekend away on a Blue Lagoon cruise to the Yasawa Islands. This event was unique as there is little spare time. We met some interesting people and were amply fed !
Later that week we made the most of 2 days at the Intercontinental Hotel at Natadola and played golf together. This too is becoming a favourite spot in Fiji.

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