Sunday, July 18, 2010

So much has happened in a few months !

Bula Everyone
It is a very long time since I wrote an entry on my Blog, but have kept people informed of our travels via Facebook.
April 11th was the last addition. Since then life has been wonderfully frantic, as my 43 students approached the last 2 months of their courses. As I write this, I have a few who are still minor tasks to submit.... a little late ! but hopefully will be able to graduate along with their classmates on Sept 18th here in Fiji.
In May I welcomed Marian Wilkinson from APTC office in Melbourne to assist me with Student assessment visits, she travelled to Rakiraki, Sigatoka and Suva, whilst I visited everyone around Nadi, and continuing to teach both the Cert 3 and Diploma groups and mark assignments !

Simon saw me briefly for meals before I worked for another three or four hours in the evenings after class ! Thankfully the 16 to 18 hour days are behind us now.
In late April, we shared time with some Hickson cousins from Sydney, who were holidaying in Denerau. Great to see them over here. Then on Mother's Day we shared lunch ( again on Denerau) with a delightful Girton school friend, Ekko Mitchell.

Christopher arrived on May 14th to spend time with us, as well as adventuring out to several islands in the Yasawa Group. It was nice to spend my Birthday with him too, enjoying Chinese at a new restaurant. We also enjoyed a Japanese meal too, whilst he was here. We took him to the north of the Island to Rakiraki and he and Simon spent a night in Suva, so he saw much more of the Fiji area than last year's visit. He left on the 30th May to return to Melbourne at the beginning of WINTER !
The next day we MOVED house ! My most supportive and loving Simon did 90% of the packing and organization for the move as I was caught up with work commitments. We are closer to work, but do not have a pool.... I miss my swims, but continue to walk each morning, this time near the airport, watching the planes land and take off, whilst humming along to my IPod for about 3kms ! Such a great place to live and work... I still pinch myself each day and feel so privileged to have this opportunity.
Lauren plans to come over in the next few months, before it becomes too hot again. It is very dry at present and cooler at night, about 22. Perfect sleeping weather. Day time is about 27 degrees. She will like our new place, the kitchen bench is about 4 metres long ! something we have never HAD in 34 years of wedded bliss !
For the rest of June, I spent many hours continuing to mark assignments and finalize results. We shared very memorable last classes with the Cert 3 students and then the Diploma students. The latter ones, have been together for 18 months , twice per week, so the bonds they have formed are very strong and hope will be lifelong friendships. Many of my current close friends I met at Kindergarten Teacher's College in 1973 ! wow ! you have to say that date quickly !
Simon and I flew home to Melbourne on June 26th for about 2 weeks. I worked in at Box Hill TAFE for the first week, entering my students' results and catching up with staff. Great to be home with our lovely family again. But, what a change in weather !
We shared many lunches, dinners, morning teas and Simon caught up with golfing mates.
Lauren and I spent an afternnon at the Melbourne Zoo, something we have not done for amny years ! one is never to old to goo and gaa at the animals, especially the delightful baby elephant, Mali. ( the subject of another Blog entry I feel)
On July 14th it was time to return to our second home... the stunning land of Fiji and the amazing people. We are continually drawn back. My contract for 6 months is being continually extended as I cannot imagine not teaching and living here.
Tomorrow, I have a new group of students. This time it will be different as I have a different delivery mode. I will teach all day Monday, Tuesday and Friday and on Wednesday and Thursday, they will go into a local Kindergartens ( with my previous students) for placement experience. I will visit them as often as I can and then asses them, twice in the 6 month Certificate 3 of Children's Services course. They have left their Kindergartens and their families,in their own Pacific countries to come to study full time in Fiji. My previous students were all part time and from Fiji. These have travelled from Federated Sates of Micronesia, Kiribati and Tuvalu. I am sure to learn a great deal from them all and I am very excited to meet everyone.

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