Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our 2nd Easter in Fiji .....

After visiting and assessing several students in Suva area last week, we (and the car ) boarded the ferry on Easter Thursday afternoon called " Spirit of Harmony" headed for Levuka on the east coast of Ovalau. It was pouring rain and the ferry was delayed for 3 hours ! So our spirits were not very harmonious !
However, we were still excited to finally arrive on the west side of the island at Buresala and then drive in the heavy rain for an hour in the pitch black, around the coastal road ( only one road ) to Levuka. Our accommodation was at the Royal Hotel, the oldest operating hotel in Fiji ! We had booked one of their cottages with a sea view !
It was somewhat basic and a little "tired" in appearance , but felt homey and the staff were most welcoming and helpful. Good Friday was good weather and from then on it deteriorated , ending spectacularly with an electrifying thunderstorm on our last night, Sunday night !
Friday was spent sightseeing, by walking around the historical township, capturing on camera the many old church and school buildings. We were intrigued by the elaborate deep, colonial style drainage system, which worked a treat a few nights later ! We climbed the 199 steps to the Mission and saw where the Deed of Cession was signed. The museum was small , but fascinating , the exquisite buttons made from local pearl shells, particularly caught my eye. There is a large fish cannery PAFCO which was set up to be the economic base for Levuka and Ovalau for the past 40 years or so, employing over 1,000 people ! These products are exported world wide !
The Sacred Heart Church in the main street, just down from our hotel, housed a rare antique French clock which struck on the hour, each hour of the night and day, twice each time ! Once, then one minute later in case you missed it the first time ! most unusual and a little "off putting" in the wee hours of the morning ! We spent hours on our cottage veranda, reading and chatting to the lovely Levuka people and a few other tourists as they wandered past. We met a delightful German couple, Charlotte and Gerhard, and shared our last evening with them during the storm. We had no power in the town or water ( in the pipes) I waded through knee deep water to our cottage, by torchlight, using Simon's large golf umbrella, to gather a few bits and pieces for dinner. I found cheese, pickled onions, local avocado and dry biscuits, along with a few Easter treats for the four of us for our picnic style dinner. We washed these down by candlelight in the main hotel with a few cold wines ! Just amazing ! It rained heavily for about 4 hours from 5.00pm until about 9 pm. The main street of Levuka was like a river ! One of the local wise hotel staff had predicted it at 4.30pm saying to us " big rain coming soon" and it sure did ! The next morning we had to be at the wharf by 4.00am to catch the ferry back to the mainland. We will fondly remember our adventurous Easter in Levuka. Simon is now back in Australia and I return next Sunday for a week.
The weather is becoming a little milder here.... but only slightly. The swimming pool water is cooler and more refreshing now... Just love being able to come home after work and have a "dip" before dinner!

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