Sunday, March 21, 2010

We are safe ...

Bula everyone,
Thank you to our family and friends who were concerned for our safety recently during Cyclone Tomas. It's path was uncertain at first, however, it soon became clear that it would effect the outer islands and perhaps the Suva side of Fiji. The devastation is enormous and many of the islands will never be the same. We experienced heavy rain and some strong winds for a brief period, but not as fierce as Cyclone Mick last December.
The past few weeks have been extremely busy with our friend and work colleague, Bambi joining us here in Nadi. It was a "talk fest" and Simon was caught in the middle ! tried to get a word in occasionally, but gave up and went back to the challenging crosswords and stalking insects ! However, we were able to show Bambi some of our favourite views, beaches, restaurants etc, combining it with many student assessment visits and team teaching classes.
Simon and I headed north of Nadi for 3 days to Tavua and into the interior of Fiji to the villages of Waikubukubu and Nadrau to assess students, whilst Bambi taught my class. The roads were very rocky, narrow and a slippery due to heavy rain. Thank goodness for the 4 wheel drive ! Simon shared the driving as it required very close concentration for 3 hour stints ! The scenery however in the mountainous interior of Fiji was stunning ! I had only seen it from the air previously and was captivated by the "kodak" calendar type views at every turn ! Simon took over 300 shots in the few days. Thank goodness for digital cameras. We were warmly welcomed into both villages and treated to kava ceremonies and given gifts of appreciation of our visits. Both students travel incredibly long distances to classes and operate stimulating Kindergarten programs for the Fijian children with very few resources, as we know them.
Bambi's husband Bryce joined her for her last week here and they stayed out at Denerau Island where we joined them for golfon on one day. My game was rather rusty, but we shared a fun time together. I was still working but Simon was then able to act as a tour guide for them both down to Natadola beach ( reportedly the 7th most beautiful beach in the world) and to see the multi million dollar Inter-Continental Hotel and Golf Course ( an extremely windy place !) It was a most enjoyable time ,both professionally and personally. Bambi was able to witness the work of the APTC team and gain a better understanding of the whole Aus Aid project and I valued her professional advice and support.
Simon and I have booked a trip to Levuka on the island of Ovalau for our Easter break. Levuka was the capital of Fiji before Suva and it is very colonial in appearance, a little like Sovereign Hill in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. As we love history, I am certain that it will be a wonderful experience. Simon flies home on April 9th for 2 weeks and I follow on 18th April for one week. I am required to attend a meeting Melbourne for 3 days, however, it will also great to see our delightful family....
The weather is still very humid and oppressive at times... but it will improve soon as we are coming to the end of the cyclone season.... hopefully. The only downside of living in the tropics... otherwise... " magic" every day....