Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home in Australia for Christmas

The last few months passed by very quickly. I missed writing a blog entry for November. I was extremely busy with my 44 students, marking assignments and entering results, making assessment visits from one end of Fiji to the other, from Rakiraki way down to Sigatoka. But oh such wonderful sights ! Simon accompanied me on several visits and his new camera was well used !
I organized an excursion for both of my student groups on a Saturday to Sigatoka , to visit 3 different Kindergartens, and enjoy lunch together. We were also enthralled by Ilesi, a local potter, demonstrating his talents making several pottery pieces. I have been encouraging my students to use clay with their children and I feel that he inspired them further.

I made a second batch of tomato relish in Fiji, one in August and one in October, it reminds me so much of home. The aroma penetrates our whole apartment block ! YUM YUM...27 jars ! this time and 24 last time !

Simon met a new friend at the golf club. His name is Patrick and he is a leading French Chef, currently living on the tiny island of Wallis, north of Fiji. He is teaching cookery with a project undertaken by the French Government, similar to our APTC project. A fascinating, very well qualified and skilled person, and my school girl French language came in handy. He holidayed in Fiji for a week in early November and returned for 4 days just before we flew home.

The weather was changing..... it became more humid and wetter, although local people said that it was drier than normal. I still had only worn long sleeves 3 times for the 10 months we were there !
At the beginning of November, I was invited to attend a Military funeral. It was for a Kindergarten parent of one of my students. He died suddenly from a heart attack at the age of 42 with four young children. It was a very moving occasion and the Prime Minister Frank Bainimairama was present. I was about 4 meters from him and had to bite my tongue not to say anything to him. It was an honor to be part of such a formal and traditional occasion with the gun salute.
We were fortunate to visit the island of Vanuatu on 21st November for 3 nights I was asked to attend a meeting with work colleagues over there and Simon joined us. We stayed at Chantilly's on the Bay in Port Vila which had a glorious view of their stunning sunsets. Once again the new camera was clicking madly ! It was such a great opportunity to meet with other early childhood colleagues and squeeze in a little snorkeling !
I have signed a new contract with APTC in Fiji from Jan 1st 2010 until June 30th 2010 and we shall see what happens after that. Both of my groups will finish in June so, it is very timely. The second semester would be a full time Cert 3 in Children's Services group with students recruited from other Pacific Island such as Naru, Tonga, Marshall Islands, Solomon islands etc. AND I would teach in the day time 3 days a week and they would have placements in local Fijian Kindergartens for the other 2 days per week. We would need to organize the placements and this is when I would call upon my current students to host the islanders.
As we were finalizing student results and packing to come home for Christmas, Simon and I experienced our first tropical cyclone. It was only Category One or Two, but felt much worse. The iron roof from one end of our apartment block was blown off and landed in the adjacent carpark, narrowly missing a few cars !
The tenant, Edward,who was home in his lounge room at the time, on the top floor apartment was helped out from under the rubble, by Simon and a few other colleagues . He was visibly shaken, but luckily escaped injury. It was rather frightening and I hope we do not have any more, but I guess this is part of living in the Pacific.
We are now home in Australia to share the festive season with our delightful family and friends, before returning to Fiji on Sunday night 17th January. One of my holiday goals is to organize my many photos into a better system so I can add many more to my Blog in the future !
Our best wishes to everyone for a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year. xxxxxx