Sunday, October 18, 2009

So much has happened since the last entry !

Bula everyone !
My apologies for not adding an entry sooner... We have been very busy with our lovely visitors here in Fiji AND have been home in Australia for the Hickson Family Reunion on October 10th ! We have now settled back into life here with Diwali celebrations in full swing ! I can hear the many fire crackers popping ( and smell them ) as I sit here typing !
Christopher arrived on the 4th Sept and overlapped with my sister Dot and her partner Trevor who came on the 10th. We treated them to many of our favourite restaurants and several tourist spots. We spent 2 nights together on the Coral Coast, travelling in "SQUEEZY" conditions in our rental Hyundai ! Dot snorkelled for the first time in her life and LOVED it ! It was so nice to share the time all together. One of our APTC, Udo, who had shown Lauren the lively nights spots around here, then took Christopher partying....
Dot and Trevor enjoyed 4 nights out in the Yasawa islands as well.
Many APTC staff left for the term Break, but we took ours later due to the Hickson Family Reunion. I was asked to be Acting Country Manager for that period. It was a bit daunting and eventful, with a car accident to deal with the first week ( our Office Manager and no-one was hurt thanks goodness) and the 2nd week a Tsunami warning from the Samoan tragedy !
We left here on Oct 2nd to land in chilly Melbourne. Great to be home briefly to share time with our family. Simon's Mum is doing quite well. The Reunion was an absolutely delightful day and quite emotional too. My sister Yvonne started a Blog for the Reunion. It is
We have now expressed interest in extending the teaching contract even further , this time until June 2010 and will find out shortly whether that has been approved. Photos will be added shortly... the computer is having "loading image hiccups " !