Friday, June 26, 2009

A few more photos of our adventures and friends here !

These Fijian birds are called bulbuls. About 20 of them descend upon our balcony each morning awaiting their slice of bread, carefully fed to them by Simon. Since he has been back in Melbourne, they sqwark outside our window until I feed them ! Not sure what they will do when I go home too !

Lauren joins us in Fiji

Bula everyone !
Once again, I have been very slow in adding a new entry.. apologies... we have been very busy showing our daughter Lauren, the sights of sunny Fiji ! we spent 3 days on the Coral Coast, meeting lots of attentive staff ( Lauren phographed with one called Tange) and then celebrated her 27th Birthday with a day boat cruise to Malamala island. Since she was here, Simon has now gone home for a few weeks and I fly home on Fri 3rd July. We both return on July 12th.
The weather here is a little cooler now and I have even wore long sleeves twice in the evening ! Although cooler is about 28 in the day instead of 35 and at night about 19 instead of 25. The daily swims are less frequent, but I still enjoy a dip a few days per week.
I taught my last class with my Certificate 3 students today, but hopefully will be able to continue teaching them, as they have chosen to continue their studies by enrolling in the Diploma of Children's Services, due to start on July 17th. There will be 24 students in Diploma and I have a new group of Cert 3 beginning on July 21st !The second half of the year promises to be extremely busy ! Simon is joining the local golf club and has been playing weekly in what they call the "Chook Run " The prize is a few frozen chickens !